Plant Tissue Culture Media

1 to 50 of 355 item(s) displayed
Product Code Product Name TDS MSDS
PHS 1017 *CCFT Supplement No. of Vials: ? 14 vials Specs MSDS
PHS 1013 *CCFTNB Supplement - I No. of Vials: ?16 vials Specs MSDS
PHS 1011 *CCFTNB Supplement No. of Vials: ? 18 vials Specs MSDS
PHS 1010 *CCTP Supplement No. of Vials: ?14 vials Specs MSDS
PHS 1008 *CN Supplement - I No. of Vials: ? 7 vials Specs MSDS
PHS 1016 *CNBGM Supplement No. of Vials: ? 25 vials Specs MSDS
PHS 1001 *CNC Supplement No. of Vials: ? 13 vials Specs MSDS
PHS 1007 *CNF Supplement No. of Vials: ? 14 vials Specs MSDS
PHS 1006 *CNF Supplement No. of Vials: ? 15 vials Specs MSDS
PHS 1012 *CNFT Supplement No. of Vials: ? 9 vials Specs MSDS
PHS 1004 *CNNP Supplement No. of Vials: ?16 vials Specs MSDS
PHS 1003 *CNP Supplement No. of Vials: ?14 vials Specs MSDS
PHS 1005 *CNTB Supplement No. of Vials: ? 15 vials Specs MSDS
PHS1014 *CNV Supplement No. of Vials: ? 20 vials Specs MSDS
PHS 1009 *CNVB Supplement No. of Vials: ? 11 vials Specs MSDS
PHS 1002 *NMPT Supplement No. of Vials: ? 12 vials Specs MSDS
PHS1015 *NNB Supplement No. of Vials: Δ 9 vials Specs MSDS
PHM 1003 *Phyto Casein Hydrolysate Sucrose Agar (Bacteria Screening Medium 523) (General purpose medium used for cultivation of bacteria Gms/Lit : 32.07 15.61 Lit/500G) Specs MSDS
PHS 1018 *PSA Supplement No. of Vials: Δ 16 vials Specs MSDS
PT 1110 African Violet Multiplication Medium (w/ Vitamins, Sucrose, MES, Adenine sulphate, IAA & Kinetin; w/o Agar) Specs MSDS
PT 1111 African Violet Multiplication Medium w/ Vitamins, Sucrose & IAA; w/o Agar Specs MSDS
PL 1037 Allen Basal Solution (10X) (Recommended for in vitro cultivation of algae) Specs MSDS
TS 2039 Anderson Rhododendron Macroelements Specs MSDS
PT 1019 Anderson Rhododendron Medium (w/ CaCl2 , Vitamins, Sucrose, Adenine sulphate & Agar;) Specs MSDS
PT 1019G Anderson Rhododendron Medium (w/ CaCl2 , Vitamins, Sucrose, Adenine sulphate & CleriGel) Specs MSDS
TS 2038 Anderson Rhododendron Microelements (100X) Specs MSDS
PT 1162 Anthurium Callus Induction Medium (w/ Vitamins, Sucrose, Plant growth regulators & Agar) Specs MSDS
PT 1163 Anthurium Multiplication Medium (w/ Vitamins, Sucrose, Plant growth regulators & Agar) Specs MSDS
PT 1164 Anthurium Rooting Medium (w/ Vitamins, Sucrose, Plant growth regulators, Activated charcoal & Agar) Specs MSDS
PT 1083 Arabidopsis Callus Initiation Medium (w/ Vitamins, Sucrose, 2,4-D & Kinetin; w/o Agar) Specs MSDS
PT 1156 Arabidopsis Seed Germination Medium (w/ Sucrose & Agar) Specs MSDS
PT 1153 Artificial Seawater Nutrient Medium (III) Specs MSDS
PT 1076 Banana Micropropagation Medium (w/ Vitamins; w/o NH4 NO3 , Sucrose & Agar) Specs MSDS
PT 1079G Banana Multiplication Medium (w/ CaCl, Vitamins, Sucrose, acid, IAA, 6-BAP & CleriGel) Specs MSDS
PT 1079 Banana Multiplication Medium (w/ CaCl, Vitamins, Sucrose, Glucose, Ascorbic acid, IAA, 6-BAP & Agar) Specs MSDS
PT 1075 Banana Multiplication Medium (w/ Vitamins, Casein hydrolysate & IAA; w/o Sucrose & Agar) Specs MSDS
PT 1150 Banana Multiplication Medium (w/ Vitamins, Glucose, Sucrose, Plant growth regulators & Agar) Specs MSDS
PT 1078 Banana Multiplication Medium (w/ Vitamins, Sucrose & Agar; w/o NH4 NO 3& Casein hydrolysate) Specs MSDS
PT 1077 Banana Multiplication Medium (w/ Vitamins, Sucrose, Casein hydrolysate, IAA & Agar;) Specs MSDS
PT 1077G Banana Multiplication Medium (w/ Vitamins, Sucrose, Casein hydrolysate, IAA & CleriGel) Specs MSDS
PT 1158 Banana Rooting Medium (w/ Vitamins, Plant growth regulators, Sucrose, Activated charcoal & Agar Glucose, Ascorbic) Specs MSDS
PT 1109 Begonia Multiplication Medium (w/ Vitamins, Sucrose, Adenine sulphate, IAA & 2iP; w/o Agar) Specs MSDS
PL 1030 BG-11 Basal Solution (10X) (Recommended for in vitro cultivation of algae) Specs MSDS
PT 1063 BM-1 Terrestrial Orchid Medium (w/ Vitamins, Sucrose & Casein hydrolysate; w/o Agar) Specs MSDS
PT 1062 BM-1 Terrestrial Orchid Medium (w/ Vitamins, Sucrose, Casein hydrolysate & Agar) Specs MSDS
PT 1062G BM-1 Terrestrial Orchid Medium (w/ Vitamins, Sucrose, Casein hydrolysate & CleriGel) Specs MSDS
PT 1064 BM-2 Terrestrial Orchid Medium (w/ Vitamins, Sucrose, Casein hydrolysate, 6-BAP & Agar) Specs MSDS
PT 1064G BM-2 Terrestrial Orchid Medium (w/ Vitamins, Sucrose, Casein hydrolysate, 6-BAP & CleriGel) Specs MSDS
PL 1031 Bold Basal Solution (10X) (Recommended for in vitro cultivation of algae) Specs MSDS