

CDH has been offering a wide range for Organic and Inorganic Solvents to the research and clinical laboratory community. Whether you need HPLC solvents, AR/ACS solvents, anhydrous solvents, or any other high-purity research grade solvents, we can provide the right product for your application.

HPLC Solvents are an extremely useful lab testing chemical which is easily obtainable in the market. Various suppliers and manufacturers of lab chemicals have responded by delivering high purity solvents and reagents generally branded for a special device method. The "spectroscopy solvent" or "HPLC Solvent" are typical examples. It is just because their own so-called "analytical grade" items are actually great for today's modern analysis and laboratory testing procedure because, mostly lab chemical suppliers are no more than that. This is why they manufacture and supply only premium quality laboratory chemicals for more effective results.

When we talk about Acetonitrile HPLC, it is the colourless liquid compound which has the simplest organic nitrile. It is well-known and best category of HPCL Solvents which is produced generally as a byproduct of manufacturing acrylonitrile. The chemical compound is utilized as a polar aprotic solvent in the butadiene purification and in organic synthesis.

51 to 100 of 370 item(s) displayed
Product Code Product Name CAS TDS MSDS
700330 Acetone EL Grade 67-64-1 Specs MSDS
700380 Acetone for HPLC & Spectrocopy 67-64-1 Specs MSDS
910010 Acetone For Molecular Biology 99.5% 67-64-1 Specs MSDS
700430 Acetone for Pesticide Residue Analysis 67-64-1 Specs MSDS
027023 Acetone for Synthesis 67-64-1 Specs MSDS
700387 Acetone GC-HS Grade 67-64-1 Specs MSDS
450410 Acetone Specially Dried AR 67-64-1 Specs MSDS
D01269 Acetone-d6 for NMR Spectroscopy 666-52-4 Specs MSDS
450500 Acetonitrile AR/ACS 75-05-8 Specs MSDS
700920 Acetonitrile Dna for Synthesis 75-05-8 Specs MSDS
700630 Acetonitrile for HPLC & Spectroscopy 75-05-8 Specs MSDS
700640 Acetonitrile for HPLC Gradient Grade 75-05-8 Specs MSDS
910090 Acetonitrile For Molecular Biology 75-05-8 Specs MSDS
700780 Acetonitrile for Pesticide Residue 75-05-8 Specs MSDS
700580 Acetonitrile for praparative (HPLC) 75-05-8 Specs MSDS
029220 Acetonitrile for Synthesis 75-05-8 Specs MSDS
700636 Acetonitrile GC-HS Grade 75-05-8 Specs MSDS
450505 Acetonitrile Specially Dried AR 75-05-8 Specs MSDS
D01548 Acetonitrile-d3 for NMR Spectroscopy 2206-26-0 Specs MSDS
027237 Anisole 100-66-3 Specs MSDS
462140 Benzene AR 71-43-2 Specs MSDS
706945 Benzene EL Grade 71-43-2 Specs MSDS
706950 Benzene for HPLC & Spectroscopy 71-43-2 Specs MSDS
027315 Benzene for Synthesis 71-43-2 Specs MSDS
462005 Benzene Scintillation Grade 71-43-2 Specs MSDS
D14517 Benzene-d6 (for NMR Spectroscopy) 1076-43-3 Specs MSDS
D14175 Benzene-d6 for NMR Spectroscopy 1076-43-3 Specs MSDS
027337 Benzonitrile for Synthesis 100-47-0 Specs MSDS
462265 Benzyl Alcohol AR/ACS 100-51-6 Specs MSDS
027354 Benzyl Alcohol for Synthesis 100-51-6 Specs MSDS
470575 Butanone AR/ACS 78-93-3 Specs MSDS
711100 Butanone for HPLC & Spectroscopy 78-93-3 Specs MSDS
032525 Butanone for Synthesis 78-93-3 Specs MSDS
582500. Carbinol 67-56-1 Specs MSDS
582495. Carbinol AR/ACS Meets analytical Specification of BP, Reag. PH. EUR.USP-NF, 67-56-1 Specs MSDS
752135 Carbinol EL 67-56-1 Specs MSDS
752140 Carbinol for HPLC & UV Spectroscopy 67-56-1 Specs MSDS
752180 Carbinol for HPLC Gradient Grade 67-56-1 Specs MSDS
752220 Carbinol for LC-MS 67-56-1 Specs MSDS
920940 Carbinol For Molecular Biology 67-56-1 Specs MSDS
752200 Carbinol for Pesticide Residue Trace Analysis (methyl alcohol) 67-56-1 Specs MSDS
029192 Carbinol for Synthesis 67-56-1 Specs MSDS
490010 Carbo Tech AR/ACS 56-23-5 Specs MSDS
713910 Carbo Tech for HPLC & Spectroscopy 56-23-5 Specs MSDS
027645 Carbo Tech for Synthesis 56-23-5 Specs MSDS
489965 Carbon Disulphide AR 75-15-0 Specs MSDS
025688 Carbon Disulphide for Synthesis 75-15-0 Specs MSDS
713880 Carbon Disulphide PRA for Pesticide Residue Trace Analysis 75-15-0 Specs MSDS
492645 Chloro Benzene Mono AR 108-90-7 Specs MSDS
714850 Chloro Benzene Mono for HPLC 108-90-7 Specs MSDS