Showing Products for "P"

251 to 300 of 1076 item(s) displayed
Product Code Product Name CAS TDS MSDS
605080 Perchloric Acid 70% AR 7601-90-3 Specs MSDS
605085 Perchloric Acid 70% AR for Diamond Industry 7601-90-3 Specs MSDS
874653 Perchloric Acid CPECTROSOL® 0.1M (0.1N) Standardized Solution In Accordance With NIST N.A Specs MSDS
874660 Perchloric Acid CPECTROSOL® 1M (1N) Standardized Solution N.A Specs MSDS
874643 Perchloric Acid Solution 0.1N acc. to USP N.A Specs MSDS
DM1837I Perfringens Agar Base N.A Specs MSDS
DM 1579 Perfringens Agar Base (O.P.S.P.) N.A Specs MSDS
DM 1837 Perfringens Agar Base (T.S.C./S.F.P. Agar Base) N.A Specs MSDS
MG1837 Perfringens Agar Base, Granulated?(Tryptose Sulphite Cycloserine Agar?Base, Granulated) (T.S.C./S.F.P. Agar?Base, Granulated) N.A Specs MSDS
PM 1579 Perfringens Agar Plate N.A Specs MSDS
MCD1837 Perfringens MiCynth™ Agar Base (T.S.C/S.F.P MiCynth™ Agar Base) N.A Specs MSDS
VM1579 Perfringens MiVeg™ Agar Base (O.P.S.P.) N.A Specs MSDS
VM1837 Perfringens MiVeg™ Agar Base(T.S.C./S.F.P. MiVeg™ Agar Base) N.A Specs MSDS
MS 2307 Perfringens Selective Supplement N.A Specs MSDS
MS 2011 Perfringens Supplement-I N.A Specs MSDS
MS 2012 Perfringens Supplement-II N.A Specs MSDS
874700 Periodic Acid 1% Solution Forstaining of Cell for Staining of Cell Polysaccharides Schiff's (Pas) Me N.A Specs MSDS
605275 Periodic Acid AR For Histochemical Polysaccharine analysis 10450-60-9 Specs MSDS
029842 Periodic Acid Cryst. 10450-60-9 Specs MSDS
185195 Peroxidase From Horse Radish ~ 250 units/mg 9003-99-0 Specs MSDS
970500 Peroxidase, Horse Radish For Molecular Biology(Rz 3.0, Salt Free)Activity : 250 Units/mg 9003-99-0 Specs MSDS
029827 Petroleum Ether 100-120 ?C for Synthesis 8032-32-4 Specs MSDS
874730 Petroleum Ether 40-60°C for Pesticide Ether Trace Analysis Petroleum Benzine 40-60°C for Pesticide Reduce Trace Analysis 8032-32-4 Specs MSDS
762825 Petroleum Ether 40-60?C for HPLC & Spectroscopy 8032-32-4 Specs MSDS
185385 Petroleum Ether 50-70�C for Synthesis 8032-32-4 Specs MSDS
762835 Petroleum Ether 60-80?C for HPLC & Spectroscopy 8032-32-4 Specs MSDS
029826 Petroleum Ether 80-100 ?C for Synthesis 8032-32-4 Specs MSDS
605365 Petroleum Ether AR Boiling range 40-60?C 8032-32-4 Specs MSDS
605375 Petroleum Ether AR Boiling range 60-80 ?C 8032-32-4 Specs MSDS
029825 Petroleum Ether for Synthesis Boiling range 40-60?C 8032-32-4 Specs MSDS
029739 Petroleum Ether for Synthesis Boiling range 60-80?C 8032-32-4 Specs MSDS
024648 Petroleum Jelly White 8009-03-8 Specs MSDS
024649 Petroleum Jelly Yellow 8009-03-8 Specs MSDS
DM 1787 Pfizer Selective Enterococcus Agar N.A Specs MSDS
VM1787 Pfizer Selective Enterococcus MiVeg™ Agar N.A Specs MSDS
TC1209 PHA-M (Phytohemagglutinin-M) Cell Culture Tested: 60% 9008-97-3 Specs MSDS
TC1226 PHA-P (Phytohemagglutinin-M) Cell Culture Tested Potency 62.5 mcg/ml 9008-97-3 Specs MSDS
185565 Phenacyl Bromide 70-11-1 Specs MSDS
185625 Phenacyl Chloride 532-27-4 Specs MSDS
185765 Phenanthrene Pract 85-01-8 Specs MSDS
TC1484 Phenazine Methosulfate Cell Culture TestedActivity 90.0% 299-11-6 Specs MSDS
024014 Phenazine Methosulphate (PMS) for Biochemistry 299-11-6 Specs MSDS
970650 Phenazine Methosulphate For Molecular Biology 90.0% 299-11-6 Specs MSDS
606175 Phenazone AR 60-80-0 Specs MSDS
186055 Phenetole 103-73-1 Specs MSDS
186215 Phenidone for Photographic Purpose 92-43-3 Specs MSDS
606355 Phenol AR (Carbolic Acid) 108-95-2 Specs MSDS
970800 Phenol Chloroform ISO AMYL ALCOHOL (Phenol : Chloroform : ISO Amyl Alcohol) 125 : 24 :1 for Molecular Biology N.A Specs MSDS
019094 Phenol Disulphonic Acid 96-77-5 Specs MSDS
970698 Phenol for Molecular Biology 108-95-2 Specs MSDS